Friday, September 10, 2010

Birthday fund raiser

Marva and her husband, Fred, from Anguilla, celebrated his Birthday last weekend and this is the wonderful news they have sent us!

My Dear Family & Friends,

It was truly a delight to see you all and to spend time together celebration Fred’s 60th Birthday. We are truly blessed to have friends and family like you all. I just thought that I should take this opportunity to say thanks to all those who gave to the Peacock Educare Centre in Cape Town, SA. The total collected is US$1276.19. This will go a long way to assist with a place for the children and to help to improve their lives. You will be blessed for feeling the need to give to others who are less fortunate than we are and for acting upon that feeling.

Thanks again for coming and spending this special time with us. I will keep you updated on the progress of the Peacock Educare Centre as I receive information.

Best to all and God Bless.

Marva & Fred