Friday, December 24, 2010

Parmalat, Christmas.... and some urgent developments!

A Christmas picture by Alutha (below)

Year end 2010 has arrived and the Peacock Educare Centre has had quite a time. On the one hand it is looking amazing - a team of volunteers from (I believe) Old Mutual did an amazing painting job and AWOL's tourists donated a lot of new toys and books.

However, the Social Services visited and informed Noluntu that she is only allowed 6 children with the size, etc, of the facilities currently at the day care and that they will be enforcing this strictly come January 2011.

Noluntu is very distressed as she will battle to make a living with only 6 kids ( instead of the 56 which were enrolled in 2010). The parents are worried about where to leave their kids in 2011.

We will meet with Noluntu and discuss emergency plans, communication with parents and what her needs are financially as far as her and her two helper's salaries are concerned, etc.

She has been lucky the Social Services have turned a blind eye for this long, but she has been told that she will be facing charges if she has more than 6 kids in that space in January.

One way to look at this development is that it may be an opportunity for some real & immediate improvements.

With the correct number of kids and if she and some volunteers can get her centre correctly registered with Social Services she should be able to receive the government grant of R10/child per day to help with overheads. Also, she should be able to charge more than R70/month per child ($10).

This would be the first step towards growing the Day Care again, with the legal requirements and necessary improvements in place, once adequate space is available.

With only six kids (presumably a few more if we build a temporary structure or use her home) for at least a couple of months while we find/build a new, larger space will allow the helpers to go for some training. Perhaps Montessori training or other. The kids who attend these creches do need as much of a schooling head-start as they can get.

Some more good news is that there is apparently someone who is keen to assist with Peacock's issues, etc from January... Very welcome help that will be!

So here's to high hopes for 2011!

Many thanks for all the support and donations!

Doing art together during a Township Tour

New toys and books!

We made numbers and maths symbols for the classroom.

One of the two helpers in the beautiful classroom!

Noluntu and her other helper.

A wholesome lunch was provided for everyone as well as load of children's Parmalat drinking products were donated during a visit by visitors from Parmalat.

The kids loved playing & drawing with Camilla!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Zwai's house

Zwai's house in Masi P, along with some 160 other shacks burnt down in the morning of the 26th Dec. Zwai had to cut his holiday and visit home to the Eastern Cape short and is coming back to CT to sort out his space and belongs. Luckily a housemate of his managed to save a few things.

Zwai is the AWOL township tour guide and helps out by translating and sending messages for Peacock.

He phoned and asked me to thank everyone who helped him & his family (especially the Browns) - his home is rebuilt and he is calm and cheerful as always.