Monday, May 9, 2011


Noluntu has being taking steps to understand the requirements and complete the paperwork necessary to register the Peacock Educare Centre.

She did not realise that a constitution and business plan is necessary in addition to a lot of other requirements.

Excellent news is that Masi Corp has decided to initiate a 'Seedlings Project' which will give weekly assistance to the heads of all creches as far as helping them to understand what steps need to be taken to leagalise and register their centres. Nomuntu is keen to attend these.

On the building front, we have come to the conclusion that we need to wait for her government house to be built, as it will take up most of the property. We can then use the funds collected to adapt it as a suitable creche as well as home for Noluntu.

Last I heard, Noluntu was waiting to hear from Habitat for Humanity re her house. Apparently there is a process of checking that the claimants are indeed the legal owners of the properties before buildng can commence.

SO we wait.

Apparently government is aware that it is one department that is holding up the process, so hopefully their other department does not shut down places such as Peacock while they wait to be ablet to get all their ducks in a row. There does not seem to be a better alternative available to parents of these kids.

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